Ok. Explain this to me. He calls after not talking in months and tells me he's thinking about divorcing his wife leading me to think he wants to be with me. We can only talk while he's working because his wife suspects him of cheating. Which, he's not, yet. He has plans on cheating. He proceeds to tell me that he'd rather have me on the side instead of not at all. I told him I'm tired of being the girl on the side. I want to be the girl or not at all. So once we have fun sending pictures and doing our thing for 2 days, he just all of a sudden is all ," I can't talk because she's now thinking I'm cheating and I'll have to text you when ever it's over." Ok idiot! Delete your messages she won't know. It's not like we're doing anything. Plus, if it wasn't for me telling him that i didnt want to be with him then, she wouldnt have him or his baby. The bitch needs to be appreciative. He needs to be a man and stop fucking around. He's the one that jumped into a marriage and didn't know her for longer than 4 months. Then got her pregnant before they were even married. All because he was in such a rush to have a family. Just because I said no doesn't mean go get hitched immediately. He only wanted it because I was 2 months pregnant and had hopes of having a family when he was interrested. So when that didn't work out as planned he's gone and done something stupid. The only good thing that came out of it was his son. I'm so sick of it. Don't fuck with me. I know i said no to him but that was because he was constantly wanting to see me and I need my space and I let him know that. I also was playing my game with other men. I was going through my game phase. SO, after him being married I was emotionally crushed. I told him the day of his elopement not to, that I'll be with him and he didn't listen. Now look at what he's going through. He didn't listen to me. I know what I'm talking about my brother did the same damn thing. To this day he's not happy. Yeah, I'm pissed due to the fact he wants to just use me. He doesn't want me for me. He wants my shit. Sorry babe, I'm not the same woman as before. If you want me, it better be for me. Its now for love not fun.