What The Hell?!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

You know what I don't get? Why they hell the cost of living is rediculous when the average person doesn't make near enough to live comfortably. If the average person is living comfortably financially they arn't living comfortably in their neighborhood. I'm sitting here looking for apartments and homes for rent and everything i $995 and above for homes, and good apartments are $850+ with complimentary surround sound into you'e neighbors apartment. We're trying to find a home so the baby and the dog have a place to play and run around but, the houses I've been finding in our price range are ghetto. If i was able to get a job and not have to pay for a baby sitter every week then maybe we could live comfortably. I swear people just make it so damn hard. I mean having to go get approved through D.E.S. for medical assistance and financial aid is just rediculous. You should see the lines in that place. The many people that go through what i do everyday. I was very close to going with out diapers and formula for my son today for 2 weeks. What happened to the days where one person worked and could afford to feed their whole family and provide a roof over their heads? Now both parents have to have full time jobs or one has to work 3 jobs just to keep their home. Will the future president really do anything about this. Yeah, their giving out money to the people that don't make 75,000 a year but it's only 600 and that's not going to do much. That's not fixing the problem. Hell, a few years ago they said the same damn shit and they gave out 500 instead of 600 and left it at that. I feel like they arn't going to make a change and everything will just be as it is. Hell, will they even pull the troops out of Iraq?