After getting to the point of frustration and thinking that life just isn't going to go my way, something miraculous happened. Things started to get better. I got into online courses at University of Phoenix to persue a better life and prepare for our future. Along with that, got into a relationship, which so far has been wonderful and one of the best things that has happened to me in a long time. No it will never top having my son. I have oticed with this relationship that I am much happier all around. I'm use to not having anyone help me just to be kind and when HE came along, all i have to say is, " I've got to go get the _____" and he's already doing it. I didn't ask or demand, he just does it to do it. It's definately amazing. Yeah, it's only been a real short period of time but, it definately doesn't feel like it at all. I never thought with in 9 hours of not seeing him I would be anxious. That's just from him going to work. We have so much in common: the same out looks on life and interrests. Just last night he had asked me a simle little question. "Are you always polite or were you raised to be that way?" That ment a lot to me. We got to talking about it. In his past relationship, she wouldn't thank him once for doing even something so small to help her out. How could you not appreciate the person that you have. Well, I'm glad she didn't just because if she did, I wouldn't have him now. He's a great father to his two little ones and I absolutely adore them. There is so much that I can rant about but I'll save you some time. So, when things seem to be a little dreary, hold you head up high and look forward to tomorrow because It's a brand new day and anything could happen. Steve, if you're reading this, I appreciate you so much! Thanks for being in my life.
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